Tuesday, September 23, 2008


Morgan, Rachel, and Jonathan Parrish said...

I cannot believe those photos! I am so glad that you are both okay! What an aweful thing to have to experience! Is everything getting put back in order?

Matchbox Mom said...

Oh my goodness!! I'm glad you are both alright!!


Unknown said...


you've put on some poundage.....you're looking more and more like Chris....

Schrievers in a Nutshell said...

I am guessing that this is a really old post but I am just glad that I have your blog now so that I can see what you guys are up too!! We had so much fun in D.C. and thanks to you and Curt were able to remember what it is like to be newlyweds! (Did I spell that right?). Anyways, you guys are the cutest couple and it was fun to be with you guys:)
