It was a very Merry Christmas with the Martin family. We had so much fun on our vacation! We went to Coronado Island near San Diego! It was beautiful there. There is a Naval base right in the prime location of the island and that is where we stayed.

I loved the base. They are so nice and quiet and clean. I kept telling Curt that I would love to live on a base some day. They have everything you could need. Golf courses, tennis courts, bowling allies, any type of shopping you could need. I loved it. The best part about them is they are so safe! I could go running anytime and not worry about traffic and scary people.
So that is exactly what we did the whole time we were there. We golfed and played tennis and went running on the beach! It was beautiful!
Some of the HIGHLIGHTS
We drove to Las Vegas and went to the show Mystere at Cirque De Sole! It was amazing and crazy! The acrobats were incredible! If you have never been to a Las Vegas show I would recommend it... No not that type of show, I would not recommend that... But the cool theme shows, with people flying through the air and music and lights and pizazz!

We played a lot of tennis!!! It was so much fun to play tennis with such a great athletic group. I am not as good as everyone else but they are all so patient with me and we just have fun together. They are all helping me become a better player. I get a lot of tennis lessons from my father-in-law so that really helps out a lot! He is an amazing coach! I can't wait for him to give lessons to our kids.

Golf, golf and more golf! We golfed on base and had a little scramble game. It was so much fun and the course on the island was beautiful. It ran right along the beach! One day we went into a little stream that was in the course that ran into the ocean, we took off our shoes and socks and waded through the water and found hundreds of golf balls!! We took our treasures back to the hotel room and washed them. We divided them up took the ones we like to play with and the rest which were not good balls to play. We took the bad ones and went to the shoreline and tee'd up the balls and hit them into the ocean with the sunset as our backdrop!! You can't get better than that!!!

Poinsettia bowl!! Chad got us all tickets to the football bowl in San Diego! it was so much fun to go to! It was TCU against Boise State. It was a good game and Marissa (my sister-in-law) and I were the only one's who cheered for the winning team!! Go TCU!!

While we were there the Martin family are really good friends with some great people so we spent a lot of time with them. Scott and Stephanie Sessions are their names and they were so wonderful to have us over for Christmas dinner. We actually invaded their home a lot! While we were there Scott, who is a plastic surgeon, gave Sue some Botox and Juviderm and a few of us were all standing around watching and a few minutes later I don't see Curt anymore. After it was all done Curt came walking over and he was white. He told me he had to go lay down or else he was going to pass out! Ha Ha!!
Overall it was such a fun trip! Thanks to Chad for planing it all and for everyone being so much fun!!
Here are some other pictures from the vacation!!!

How did I get so lucky to get such a handsome man! WOW I must have done somthing good!!!

1 comment:
Do you know what would be cool?! If you would officially announce that you were pregnant!! Then we could all talk about it... instead of behind your back! Haha congrats!
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