I have not had good luck since we have been in Texas in the job area of life. I even said the other day "I just come from a happy place where people are nice and care about life and others." I have been suffering through the most horrible place to work ever. I worked with people who wouldn't even say hello to each other. It was like pulling teeth to get them to greet me in the morning. It was not only that they all just had the most negative and rotten attitudes about everything, they needed someone they could take it all out on. That person was me. Anything that could ever possibly go wrong or be bad was all me, even if I never even knew anything about it. It was frustrating. Monday was the last straw! I was being yelled at for something that had absolutely nothing to do with me so I did what I needed to for my own personal happiness and sanity. I QUIT!!
I came home and sobbed to Curt about how I was a quitter now and that there must be something wrong with me. I felt so bad about the whole situation. Curt being the sweet, kind husband that he is he held me and told me all the great things about me and how he was proud that I stuck up for myself. After that I felt much better.
The next day I tried to go to the Temple but I got lost. The directions are really confusing and if I go by the GPS I end up taking all the toll roads in Houston so I came back home. I was determined to go still so Curt made a really easy map and directions for me. I really couldn't get lost. So the next morning I woke up really early and left before the sun came up. It was a beautiful drive as the sun came up over the city. When I pulled up the Temple a wave of relief rushed over me! I thought to myself "How could something this holy and perfect be in a city like this?" Don't get me wrong I love Houston! I am sure you can imagine, though, the magnitude of such a feeling with you don't get to be around it that often.
The blessings of going to the temple were worth the drive and the early morning! I had such comforting feelings that I did the right thing and that something great would work out. My faith was boosted and my hope restored!
The blessings are so apparent! I already have a new job!! Isn't that great! The new job I got is at A Pea In The Pod. Its a Maternity boutique. I even get the blessing of a discount on clothes!! Yeah!! I was so excited about that aspect!!
Here are some of the pictures I took! I love you all!
Hi Julie! You don't know me but I have known Curt for years. I totally understand what you mean about having a terrible job. Last year I was stuck in the worst job ever and it made me miserable. I completely know how you feel. I'm so glad you were able to get out of it and enjoy the Temple. Congrats on the new job too! You'll be grateful for that discount as you grow...trust me :)
Julie, I found your blog through Joanie's. Wow for technology. How would I keep up with people without it! First of all, congrats on the baby news! Being a mom is SO much better than people told me.
Also, I can totally relate with the grouchy people at work AND the GPS/toll roads/getting lost thing. I don't know how it is possible for me to get lost even when I have one of those deals, but I always manage. (And I usually end up in a bad part of town at dark all while a British voice tells me, "turn around when possible...turn around when possible..."
Good luck with your new job!
WOW! Gorgeous pictures of the temple!!! They are beautiful!!! I'm so sorry you had a hard week. You are amazing! I am so glad that things are working out. Richard and I are so lucky to have friends like you guys!!! :)
Good for you! You have to be happy and I think it is so great that you stood up for your happiness. Your not a quitter:) Those pictures are beautiful of the Temple, and what a blessing that you can get a discount and be happy!!
Wow! That is a beautiful temple! I, too know that our Father in Heaven takes care of us. It is such a blessing to know who we are, and that we are never alone. Plus! We get to be apart of the Peterson family which is a huge support to me because of good cousins, aunts and uncles. We love you, Julie and pray for you every day!
Im sorry you were treated that way. That has got to be hard. I think we all have had one of those jobs. The temple is so beautiful. It is a great place to forget it all. Congrats on your new job. Everything happens for a reason.
what an inspiring post. you are one of the hardest working people i know! i'm so excited for your retail job!
i'm sorry that you had to have a day like that. the temple definitely brings us much peace. i am stoked about your new job! i love pea in the pod! i wish we had one in utah.
So I totally forgot to leave you our blog address....here it is bencheliseelwood.blogspot.com
Congrats on the new job! Sorry to hear about your bad day, but its sure nice to be able to go to the temple and find comfort and feel at peace.
Happy Birthday Julie-
We are glad you found a new job and that you and Curt are doing well.
Chris & Rylie
Julie, Your blog is so cute! Hope you guys dont mind if I link you to mine :) What a beautiful Temple you guys get to visit! Thanks for sharing the pics and story. Good luck with your new job!
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