Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Feeling the movement!!

I just had to share the excitement I have had this week! I have started to feel my little one move around! I was feeling the slight flutters about a week before but this week I have felt the actual kick or fist or bump our baby is doing! Its crazy and so exciting! I feel it mostly at night when Curt and I are talking. The baby loves to hear Curt's voice. I also feel it jump when Curt talks right into my stomach... I think it startles the baby. But i love it!! I also feel it in the morning around ten! The calender says its about the size of a banana now! That seems pretty big to me but, yes, I know it only gets bigger.

So this week is an especially exciting week for us because we will have the appointment where we find out the gender! It will be Thursday! I can hardly wait! I am looking forward to Curt seeing the baby move on the screen also. I think that will be really special!

I will let you know who it is on Thursday!


Matchbox Mom said...

That is sooo exciting! Please let us know what you're having! I'll be on pins and needles til then...


R and A Brannock Fam said...

YEA!!!! How exciting!!! What a neat feeling! I cannot wait for Thursday. I've been asking Richard like every day to see when you guys were going to find out! I am so excited!

Whittron said...

oh my goodness! congratulations!

Heather Ashcroft said...

Congratulations! How exciting! Can't wait to see pictures of you pregnant, I bet you look cute pregnant. Hope all is still going well!
