Tuesday, February 16, 2010


Claire is getting so close to her first tooth coming in! It is just barely under the skin. We are so excited to see her with her first tooth! The past couple of days she has been hurting from it coming through so of course she chews on everything which is normal and we expected it but, twice now, we have put her down for a nap and within a few minutes we hear her crying a really scared cry. Curt ran into her room to find her pacifier wedged in her mouth. THE WHOLE THING!! So we decided it is time to take it away, totally. So no more pacifier for Claire. It took her a while to fall asleep last night and it was hard for us to listen to her cry but I am happy to have an excuse to get her off of it. She only uses it when she naps or goes to sleep so hopefully it won't be to tough. It was scary enough to be committed to it. Good luck to us!!

1 comment:

chadnsue said...

I'm so glad Curt ran in and got that pacifier out. It scared me when he told us. We watched Claire in the bath with her swim suit on. She is so beautiful and her smile is infectious. Can't wait to babysit and see you three. Love Sue and grandma
