Sunday, November 30, 2008

So much to be thankful for... where do I even begin! I love Thanksgiving! In years past it has been so much fun to be around family, having your uncles tease you about going back for thirds when you are in line for your firsts and only, playing football, seeing family you don't get to see often enough, and having wonderful food that you would not eat at any other time of the year. This year was quite different from all the others Curt and I have had. We missed being around family and sharing with them the spirit of the season. But I do have to say that it was such a wonderful Thanksgiving for us. The morning of, Curt got up and went to the Stake Center to play in the Turkey Bowl with all the other guys and I got busy preparing our Thanksgiving meal. (I know so unlike me, I usually would be out there playing football, but then we would not have a dinner to enjoy) I did it all, the Turkey, mashed potatoes, I even made gravey, (I don't like gravey but it turned out great), I made carrots and, parmesan baked asparagus (yum), and... a pumpkin pie! When all was said and done I had made a fantastic meal! I was quite proud of myself! Oh yeah and I made a pumpkin cake roll because I would way rather have that than pumpkin pie! More than the food and the football I love the meaning of THANKSGIVING! A few months ago it was Curt's turn to do the lesson for Family Home Evening and he did it on GRATITUDE. He gave us each a piece of paper and we had to write on it what GRATITUDE means to us. Part of what I wrote was "Gratitude is a sign of understanding, humility, and depth of character." I wrote this because when a person really understands and appreciated the BLESSINGS they have and they learn how to show proper THANKS, then they understand where the blessings come from, and they have the humility to recognize the source. That kind of attribute creates so much depth and certainly understanding in a person’s character.

I have always admired Curt so much for his ability to be truly GRATEFUL for every little thing in life. He recognizes it and is so good at expressing it. I love it because always being around him I can't help but to become more and more GRATEFUL for everything. I love what he wrote for our FHE activity, “Gratitude is being aware of and appreciating blessings and kindness given to us. We can express it through sincere words of thanks and through actions that show our appreciation. An increased spirit of gratitude will bring increased joy in our lives.” Curt is a man of his words… it’s amazing and is brings so much joy and love into our home. He shows and tells me how GRATEFUL he is for me and it makes it so easy to feel that way towards him. I it just a perpetual wonderful cycle everyone should get stuck in.

On the other side of the paper he had us list all the things we were GRATEFUL for and I love this activity! It really makes you take the time to think of all the little things you are truly deep down grateful for. Try it… some of the things you write may make you and others laugh but it is a great way to count your MANY blessings!!!


Schrievers in a Nutshell said...

Sounds like a wonderful Dinner and you guys are seriously so cute and in love!!

Morgan, Rachel, and Jonathan Parrish said...

I am so glad you had a great Thanksgiving! We sure missed you, though. Way to go on the dinner, I am very impressed. We love you!!

bestofthebishops said...

Thanksgiving dinner all by yourself?! You are wonder woman! I am glad your holiday was good. Thanks for sharing your awesome fhe idea! I loved reading that.

Unknown said...

julie, i can so picture you being such an awesome house wife. you were so good around the kitchen in Romania, never afraid to go out on a limb, and it all turned out wonderful.

i also love the FHE activity... you're so fun to talk to about meaningful things like that.

i'm grateful for YOU!
