Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Strawberry picking

Claire is my little fruit lover! Her favorite is strawberries. That girl would eat a whole carton if i let her. So when we took her to pick strawberries she thought she was in heaven! She picked them and ate them so fast I started to worry she would get sick.

Eatingthem2 Claire6 Claire7 Claire8 Claire9 Claire91 Claire92 Claire93 ClaireandAndrew1 Eatingthem

What a fun day! We are having a blast with Curt while he is on spring break!

Here are some more fun pictures.

DSCN3993 Andrew1 Andrew2 Andrew3 Andrew4 Andrew5 Andrew6 Andrew7 Andrew8 Andrew9DSCN3991 Andrew91 Claire2 Claire3 Claire4


Curt, Julie, Claire and Andrew said...

Pardon the multiples. I have so many duplicate pictures. I am still trying to figure out how to use the program for pictures.

Anonymous said...

Look how handsome Andrew is! Holy Cow...and little Claire. You guys make BEAUTIFUL babies!

Great Basin Cowgirl said...

So fun to see these pictures! The kids are getting so big! Glad to see you're able to have some time together as a family with Curt out of school. Sure miss you guys!

Irina said...

Your kids are way cute! Seeing you with 2 young kids gives me confidence that I can do it too :)

Jon + Kat said...

How fun! I totally want to take the kids to pick strawberries!

Chelise said...

Your kiddos are so cute! Hmm...this post makes me hungry for some strawberry shortcake.

Rachel said...

Claire looks SO happy! I love it!!


R and A Brannock Fam said...

CUTE CUTE CUTE pics! Beautiful family! :)
